Release of the Second Energy Poverty Handbook

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In September 2022, the Greens/EFA launched the second edition of the Energy Poverty Handbook. Marine wrote on the Right to Energy.

The second edition of the Energy Poverty Handbook was released at the end of September 2022. The first version was released in 2016 by the Greens/EFA to investigate the causes and consequences of energy poverty. This revised version builds on the findings of the original Energy Poverty Handbook by considering the best techniques for addressing the issue, as well as the causes and impacts of energy poverty.

I wrote the introduction of Part 2: Towards clean, affordable energy as a human right, asking “How can a “right to energy” trigger action?” building on the work performed with ENGAGER colleagues.

“In practice, guaranteeing the right to energy implies actions in complementary directions, such as: providing access (such as infrastructure to ensure continuity of supply, guarantees against disconnections); affordability (and thus ensure the right to use energy, for instance, with measures to help pay bills); good governance, transparency, accountability and energy democracy (participation in political decision-making, in energy communities, access to information and justice); protection, advocacy and redress to address any right infringements.”

This handbook can be found via the following link:

The original handbook can be found via the following link:

Congratulations to the editors, Louise Sunderland and Laia Segura, as well as all of the authors to the important Second Energy Poverty Handbook. This was made possible by MEPs Ciarán Cuffe and Kim van Sparrentak.

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