50 CSOs call for renewables acceleration to be nature- and community-inclusive

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Next Energy Consumer takes a bold step in leading Europe towards energy justice by signing the Manifesto for Nature-inclusive, People-centred Renewable Energy. Discover the five key pillars that aim to make renewable energy beneficial for both nature and communities, setting the stage for a socially equitable and environmentally sustainable future.
nature-inclusive, people-centred renewables manifesto

A Pioneering Manifesto for a Nature-Inclusive, People-Centred Renewable Energy Future

Next Energy Consumer is elated to join forces with the European Environmental Bureau and over 50 civil society organizations across Europe. We have collectively signed the “Manifesto for Nature-inclusive, People-centred Renewable Energy in Europe,” a groundbreaking document that sets the stage for a renewable energy transition that is both ecologically responsible and socially equitable.

The Context: A New Renewable Energy Directive (RED)

The European Union Member States have formally adopted a new Renewable Energy Directive, a significant step that enables the manifesto’s principles to be put into action. This is a pivotal moment for Europe, and Next Energy Consumer is committed to being at the forefront of this change.

The Five Pillars of Energy Justice:

  1. Biodiversity as an Ally: The manifesto calls for strategic environmental mapping and zoning plans that minimize ecological impact and preserve valuable habitats. It also encourages nature-inclusive designs and restoration practices alongside renewable projects.
  2. Inclusive Decision-Making: Public participation isn’t just a legal requirement; it’s a democratic tool for transparent planning. The manifesto urges involving local communities and civil society in renewable energy planning and projects.
  3. Administrative Preparedness: To fast-track renewables, there’s a need for robust administrative support. This involves investing in digital permitting tools and workforce training.
  4. Community Energy and Profit-Sharing: The manifesto advocates for community ownership and direct economic benefits for local communities. This includes administrative and financial assistance to energy communities and municipalities.
  5. Resource-Efficient Transition: The manifesto emphasizes the integration of circular economy principles to reduce material and energy intensity. This is crucial for a sustainable energy transition.

By signing this manifesto, Next Energy Consumer is not just making a commitment; we are setting an example for how businesses can and should be involved in creating a socially just and inclusive energy transition.

For a deeper dive into the manifesto and its implications, read the full document here.

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