Creativity, Connection, and Trust: My Vision for Energizing Change

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In a recent series of engagements, including the CEDEC European Federation of Local & Regional Energy Companies annual conference and the SolarPower Europe Job Fair & Diversity Awards, I shared my vision for the future of energy. Central to this vision is the integration of creativity, connection, and trust into our energy strategies.
Marine Cornelis speaking at SolarPower Europe Inclusion and Diversity Awards Ceremony

Last week, I had the enriching experience of sharing my perspectives at the CEDEC (European Federation of Local & Regional Energy Companies) annual conference and the SolarPower Europe Job Fair & Diversity Awards. These events were more than just meetings of minds; they were opportunities for me to voice a crucial shift in our approach to the energy transition. I emphasized the need to bring creativity, connections, and trust into the heart of our strategies for a sustainable future.

The challenge of decarbonizing the energy sector, broadening clean energy access, and addressing energy poverty goes beyond the realms of technology and policy. It’s fundamentally about human connection. In my discussions, I stressed the importance of creatively rethinking our strategies. We must rebuild trust in our approaches, ensuring they genuinely resonate with the communities they aim to benefit.

At CEDEC, I focused on the vital role of Distribution System Operators (DSOs) in bridging gaps between the technical and human sides of the energy sector. These organizations are more than just technical entities; they are integral to our daily energy experiences. From restoring power in emergencies to making impactful decisions, DSOs have a mission that transcends their traditional roles. They have a unique local insight that can be pivotal, especially for the vulnerable and energy-poor. I argued for a future where DSOs fully embrace this role, fostering trust and leading change through creativity and strong connections.

During the SolarPower Europe event, I discussed the critical challenges our planet faces at the intersection of climate and human interests. I shared my conviction that while solar technology holds great promise, its true impact unfolds when it integrates with the complexities of everyday life. With millions still lacking basic electricity or adequate home heating, our solutions must be attuned to the diverse needs and aspirations of different communities. I emphasized the importance of embracing our differences to create impactful solutions.

From left to right: Marine Cornelis (Next Energy Consumer), Milan Šveřepa (Inclusion Europe), Antonia Proka and Sara Tachelet (Rescoop.EU), Amélie Snijders (Fleishman Hillard), Soufiane El Amrani (Inclusion Europe) and Charlotte Otten-Gleissner (SolarPower Europe) at SolarPower Europe Inclusion and Diversity Awards.

As a policy consultant passionate about people, I am dedicated to bringing the energy transition narrative from the periphery to the forefront. Participating in SolarPower Europe’s jury was not just an honour but a validation of my mission. I celebrated the achievements of as the Gold Solar Diversity Champion and applauded SolarEdge Technologies and SoliTek for their respective Silver and Bronze Awards.

These events underscored a key message I’ve been advocating: It’s time to rethink the energy dialogue. We have a wealth of innovative ideas, models, and brilliant minds at our disposal. I continue to champion the idea that creativity, connection, and trust are essential in navigating this journey. The energy transition is about people, their stories, and making sure their voices are heard.

I firmly believe in the power of diversity and inclusivity. Diverse teams bring varied perspectives, enhancing collective intelligence and fostering innovation. I urge businesses to embrace this diversity, paving the way for creativity and innovation. Many inspiring stories can be heard on my podcast.

Let’s maintain this momentum. Do get in touch with Next Energy Consumer to build new ideas and pathways in our shared journey towards a sustainable and equitable energy future.

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